Yak deculture

The sole justification for research in any field is the usefulness of the actions that follow from it, by which I mean the following: Humans can freely control their actions and can bring forth, through cool calculation, experiences which they instinctively desire, but which they cannot bring about by a direct impulse of the will, called a goal.

Currently, means to satiate the instinctive goal of having a romantic partner are services like Tinder or host clubs. However, these services do not encompass the need for people with major disabilities, mental illnesses or social inhibitions who will realistically never find a romantic interest but still crave one as part of their human desires. For this purpose, I suggest doing research which would enable virtual partners in the foreseeable future.

Additionally, virtual partners are not bound in their function to people with said issues and can be an effective instrument for any human desiring a partner.

Furthermore, if the number of users reaches a critical amount to be considered part of culture this could enable a shift of thought regarding the importance of relations and could henceforth remove societal expectations concerning finding a partner. ❣